Mile 100 (ME): July 18, Vaughn Stream

After the long day yesterday, I was second to last to depart the site this morning. I chatted for a while with a Canadian guy doing a 50 mile hike north. I have come across a number of Canadians hiking in Maine, so it must be a fairly well known thing there.

There were a few big climbs today but the weather was perfect and the views were incredible.

I planned on going about 11 miles to the second lean-to but ended up deciding to pass it up and find a quiet hammock site. There were two deep fords today. At the first, I took off my shoes and crossed in my socks which needed rinsing anyway. The second had a tree down over it which I decided to take across. It was bouncy and kind of sketchy but luckily I didn’t slip or my pack would have probably gone over the falls a short way downstream. The water below the log was deep and fast moving.

I set up camp just across the stream and went back to the edge to make dinner. There were some good rocks for sitting and cooking with a view. While eating, a pair of hikers, mother and daughter, came to the Ford heading the opposite direction. They said they were hiking the whole state of Maine together. They decided against the tree crossing and changed into crocs to keep their shoes dry. It was getting late and they ended up camping on the opposite side of the river.

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